Sunday, August 1, 2010

Port DicksonTri 2010

A 5th ( Fatin ) in the 15 and under 7 th in the 13 and under ( Nana ) not too shabby for two open water first timers. Both came out of the water in the main group with the more established girls..( The Hong Kong athlete was long gone though...) A crash at the end of the bike leg involving Fatin and Aishah ( 6th ) delayed them both. Nana was happily riding along at her own pace.

For two girls who's first open water swim was 3 weeks before the race and for me still trying to understand 3 sports rolled into one ..I think we did OK...Fatin immedietly wanted to to another triathlon in 2 months time , but that race is 2 days before PMR exams . very-very important.. So we decided that at this moment exams should come first , further more ...There's going to be tons of time to prepare for the future.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

10 steps forward....

Been very quiet recently. but for good reason. Since thye last post, ( see below), I have passed my Majils Sukan Malaysia's Sports Science course, Finally managed to get Persatuan Triathlon Putrajaya set up and approved and went to Australia recently to see the Mooloolaba ITU World up on the 27 and 28th March 2010. Was quite an adventure in getting there. Landed at Gold Coast, and had to take a 5 hour train ride allk the way to Brisbane, change trains and on to the Sunshine coast. On top of that. The train had problems , 1 hour from my stop, so had to wait for a bus..However a nice way to see the country side.
I always had something for Australia. I so love their love for the outdoors and outdoor activities. There was practically NO overweight people in Mooloolaba. Everyone was either surfing, running, swimming or cycling.
The ITU race was incredible! It's great to see the athletes in flesh after years on only seeing them on TV , the internet. I remember going nuts when I asked Gianni Bugno , world champion cyclist from Italy for his autograf. Even by watching the ITU athletes race i learned a lot. Can't wait to put it in to practice.